Shakespeare’s Superhero

Tonight we faced a choice: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides or Thor. With the price of tickets being what it is, choosing a movie is something that must be done judiciously. We weighed the options. Thor had a shorter running time and, most importantly, a 78% fresh rating on POTC 4, on the other hand, rated a stinky 35%. And with memories of the dreadfully depressing POTC 3 surfacing in our minds, we opted for Thor.

Thor‘s trailers had led me to expect yet another bloated, boring superhero flick–they are ubiquitous these days it seems. But Thor was a pleasant surprise–something that can, I think, be attributed to director Kenneth Branagh. Branagh is known for adapting Shakespeare to the screen (big and small). He brings his Bard-like touch to Thor, giving audiences a character drama that matches up to the grandiose special effects, instead of being overwhelmed by them. Thor’s family issues (he’s hot-headed, his dad’s disappointed, and his brother’s jealous) form the core of the story. When banished to Earth, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) crosses paths with astrophysicist Jane Foster (Natalie Portman). The two fall in love (sigh), but Thor’s troubles are just beginning. You’ll have to see it to get the details.

The digital effects and scenery were quite spectacular, even beautiful. And the costumes were awesome–although Loki (Tom Hiddleston) looks a bit like Lord of Locusts with his dorky helmet and green cloak. The actors, though a bit hammy, carried their roles well. And, I’m sorry, but I loved how Natalie Portman’s brainy scientist giggled and blushed over Thor’s gallant gestures, because, really, that’s how we ladies like it. Sure we can roar, but we still love a little chivalry.

So, we were happy with our cinematic choice. I interviewed our Facebook pals to see how they decide what movies to catch at the theatre and which to Netflix. Responses included checking reviews and picking films based on genre or possibly actor or director. How about you? Take our poll to let us know how you choose which movie to spend your money on.

2 comments on “Shakespeare’s Superhero

  1. Lewis
    May 29, 2011 at 10:30 am #

    Sounds like a good film. Nice review, well written, Succinct and informative, helps the reader decide about spending the money or not. You must have gone to school for this or had a really great writing heritage, or both. Or maybe, you are just gifted by God and when using that gift honor him.

    How about all the above with an emphasis on the giftedness part.


  1. Blockbuster Summer | Married to the Movies - July 1, 2011

    […] Thor: Surprisingly well-crafted, this superhero epic brings us one step closer to themuch-anticipated Avengers film. Check out our earlier review. […]

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